You can configure the behavior of descent sdk by passing different arguments to Descent.create. The first argument is the name of a preset, and the second is an options object.
Use this preset when using the library in a browser environment. It will attempt to connect using window.ethereum or window.web3. -
Connect to a JSON-RPC node. Requires url to be set in the options.
const descentBrowser = await Descent.create('browser');
const descentHttp = await Descent.create('httpsRA_PROJECT_ID'
const descentTest = await Descent.create('test');
- Optional. The private key used to sign transactions. If this is omitted, the first account available from the Ethereum provider will be used. Only used with the 'https' preset.
- If this is omitted and the provider does not have an unlocked account, the descent object will start in read-only mode.
- The URL of the node to connect to. Only used with the 'http' preset.
- For advanced users. You can inject your own custom instance of a Web3 provider with this, instead of using the default HttpProvider.
// It doesn't necessarily make sense to set all these
// options at the same time (e.g. `url` and `inject`),
// this is just meant to illustrate the shape of the
// options object.
const descent = await Descent.create('https', {
privateKey: YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, // '0xabc...'
url: '',
ethereum: someProviderInstance
Read-only mode
As mentioned above, the Descent instance can be used in read-only mode, if you just want to read data from the blockchain without signing any transactions. Simply omit the privateKey option.